Environmentally Friendly Shopping – How you can Reduce your Carbon Footprint

We are all aware of the fact that something must be done about the climate change problem. In order to avoid a disaster we must all change our ways – as well as businesses who can do things like using this business recycling Cheltenham based service https://www.printwaste.co.uk/business-recycling-solutions/ but also on an individual level there are lots of things that we can do to reduce our carbon footprint and help to fight climate change.

Something that all of us do is shop. Shopping is something that we can be aware of and make changes to that can be a huge help with combatting climate change.

Buy Second-Hand – Buying second-hand products is not only better for the environment but can also be a lot better for your bank balance. There are many things that you can buy second hand, from furniture to clothing. There are also a lot of places that you can buy second-hand items from. Private sellers online sell pre-used goods, as well as charity shops and recycling places such as local furniture recycling shops.

Buy Local Products – Buying products that have been produced locally means that they have travelled far less to get to you. Shopping at local places like farm shops and markets is also really good fun and a great way to support local businesses and your local economy.

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Use Shopping Bags of your Own – One of the biggest problems in recent years that has been brought up many times when discussing climate change is the use of plastic bags. Most shops in the UK now charge for plastic bags, but the best way to be an environmentally shopper is to have your own shopping bags which you can the re-use over and over again. It is also another great way to save you money, so it is a win-win situation!

Buy from Shops that use Recyclable Packaging and Less of it – When shopping online items will be sent out to your home. Check the packaging – is it recycled? Can it easily be recycled by you? Try to buy online from places that are using recycled and recyclable packaging. Some companies also use a lot of unnecessary packaging so also be aware of that. Support companies that are more environmentally friendly with packaging as this sends a clear message.

Don’t Impulse Buy – When you make impulse purchases it will often be items that you do not end up using, and therefore will be a waste. Often these items will end up in a landfill site. This is often the case with the stocking filler types gifts that are often around at Christmas as well – so be mindful of whether this is something that will actually be used and wanted.

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Buy Environmentally Friendly Products – Products like nappies are a huge issue for oceans and waterways, as well as in sewers. Use the type that you can re-use like the old terry towelling cloth nappies rather than the disposable ones. Sanitary products too can be avoided and replaced with re-usable types.

About the author

Roger Walker

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