I love bikes, in general, and as a lover of this two – wheeled vehicle I enjoy spending time watching models that I will not buy, just for the pleasure of knowing companies and designs. Budnitz is a manufacturer that makes...
Archive - October 2016
What the Japanese firm Kawasaki and chatty bikes does not seem a crazy, impossible idea. I do not know if the level of conversation fantastic car, but with the ability now our mobile phones. Artificial intelligence is reaching...
Android 7.0 now available Nougat, but not for all phones. We analyze which brands upgraded to the new version of the operating system Google. Suddenly and without warning, Google has released the new version of its mobile...
“Good night, captain speaking. I welcome you on board and wish you a good flight. At this moment we are flying at 8,000 meters above the Atlantic Ocean and … ” ” … If you look out the window you will...
Already it has some years that Google and Apple gambled by putting their operating systems in cars, this through solutions such as Android Auto and carplay, systems that have been incorporated into systems Infotainment from...
It is well known that once you give invitations, your guests are most excited to discover all that awaits them on the big day. We know you’re the star, but there is no doubt that they are the ones who tend to have even more...
You love animals? Are you thinking of having one life partner? For surely a dog is one of the best options as it always has heard that the dog is man ‘s best friend and this is true in every way and for many reasons. You...
Most surveillance cameras for home use a small emitters infrared LEDs that emit light invisible to the human eye but serve to feed the night vision sensors.