On many occasions you have surely wondered how much it costs to make a Haute Couture creation. Today we give you the answer with some exclusive examples of the latest Dior Haute Couture collection. A great team spends hours and hours of work so that the final result, the day of the parade, is impeccable and nothing fails.
The beginning to create a design is a meeting with Maria Grazia. The teams of Maison Lesage, specialized in embroidery, and Maison Lemarié, specialized in the art of feathers, meet with the designer, who spends hours there. The two houses specializing in the preparation of all kinds of detail: feathers, flowers, pleats, ruffles, embroidery … use their savoir faire and devote many hours to prepare the orders of the firm.
Look 36
This is how it is done each season. Then the dressmakers, following the sketch, discover the samples of each creation. In the case of this work of art, six archival samples were chosen, all very expensive in terms of work, for the cutting of each piece and for the colors.
They had to reproduce the laces, the braid, twisted threads, satin stitches and hand paint every detail. A total of seven people have collaborated in the creation of this marvel and have dedicated 900 hours of work only for embroidery and 140 hours to join them.
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Look 46
This creation of embroidered tulle in camel color and with embroidered thread in broken white is the look 46 of the Haute Couture collection. A design inspired by a file from the house in Vermont that dates back to the 1930s and in which eight people have participated and 950 hours of work have been invested. The dressmakers have hand sewn the entire dress: each ribbon (some dyed by themselves), each thread, each braid, each stitch … all as if it were a kind of macramé.
Look 35
Look 35 was a jewel design made of embroidered satin, crêpe with embroidery and details of colored beads. Each panel of the skirt, formed by double tulle and golden thread, is worked individually, by parts. A model made by six people and in which 900 hours of work have been invested. The result is so fantastic. Some fashion entrepreneur take a line of credit to develop their special model dresses. Click here to learn about these fashion credit option available in the UK.