Christmas is here, a very special time for the kids. In a few days the children will receive, toys have asked in their letters and perhaps those who have not asked. Sometimes they may not be the most suitable for them, so that you may have guaranteed success we are going to talk about what the most recommended toys for each age are.
It is very important that the choice of toy is age-appropriate for the child at every stage of development has different skills and abilities. If we give a small child a toy for older children, you may feel frustrated and not use it. Otherwise, if we offer you a small toy for an older child will get bored and end up putting it off.
Gifts for babies 0 to 12 months
- Sensory toys: crib mobile, cuddly toys with textures, bath toys, teethers, activity blankets, baby gyms, rattles, toys for baby carriages, mirrors.
- Blanditos books: books of fabric with different textures and colors to stimulate the senses.
- Crib mobiles: musical also lamps, chimes or any toy that emits light and sound.
Gifts for children one to two years
- Nestable and stackable toys handling and simple construction that contribute to eye-hand coordination. Blocks, building blocks, toys simple stringing, etc.
- Drag toys: toys with wheels that can drag while walking
- Activity tables: clocks, mirrors, circuits. Also telephones, pianos or other toys with buttons and sounds.
- Books: the first books must have thick leaves with colorful images that stimulate the imagination.
Gifts for children two to three years
- Construction sets: eight to ten large pieces LEGO type, nestable pieces of wood with low weight and no sharp edges that can hurt.
- Chalks and finger paints: the first approaches to art. Make sure they are appropriate for young children, non – toxic and always supervised by adults.
- Simple musical instruments: xylophones, tambourines, drums, maracas and pianos.
You may also like to read another article on ShopoMania: Ten tips for choosing the most suitable toys for children
Gifts for children three to four years
- Puzzles: more complex (max 25 pieces.)
- Physical dexterity toys: scooters, skates, tricycles, bicycles, trampolines. Favoring power, endurance and muscle control.
- Cut – outs and stickers: They exercise patience and encourage finger agility.
- Kitchens: ideal to introduce age in the culinary arts. Gadgets, dishes, cutlery and plastic cups and little meals.
- Costumes: tools for the symbolic game in which children pretend to be other people.
Gifts for children four to five years
- Educational games: cards associated partners, or pictures and sounds, the first numbers, letters …
- Dolls and puppets: action figures with which recreate situations with other children or with us.
- Interactive stories: stories of life that include multimedia content. In addition to the traditional course books.
Gifts for children five to six years
- Toys for outdoor play: two – wheeled bicycles, slides, swings, trampolines, scooters, balls, etc.
- Educational toys with letters and numbers : to familiarize and numbers and learn to form first words. Also puzzles with more pieces.
- Dolls and dolls: dresses and accessories that improve manual dexterity and encourage pretend play.
- Musical instruments: it is a good age to start playing an instrument like guitar or piano.
- First games: dominoes, ludo, cards, etc. Games for two or more players who learn to socialize and respect the rules.