Unusual Art Forms

We usually expect art to come in the form of posh portraits or ancient sculptures, we don’t normally expect to see something totally weird and bizarre. The wonderful thing about art though is that it comes in all shapes and sizes and in recent years has taken some pretty ‘out there’ forms. Let’s take a look at some of the more bizarre ways of creating art. For preserving your own masterpieces, think about using an Artwork Reproduction Service.

Dirty Car Art

Recent years have seen art becoming more ‘street’ and part of the fabric of modern urban living. Most people wouldn’t think of great art as being drawn in the dirt on a vehicle but there are now several artists around the globe who have made a name for themselves doing just that. These amazing drawings, made with the thick layers of dust and grime that accumulate on cars, are so good that people don’t want to wash them off. Scott Wade in America has had his work featured in art shows and is hired by advertisers.

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Body Part Art

If you can imagine it, then yes it has been done! As well as some male artists using their appendages to paint with, female artists have been known to paint with their lady bumps too! Some use their tongues or bottoms but the strangest body part has to be the severed hand used by Norwegian artist, Morten Viskum.

Reverse Graffiti

Instead of using spray paint to create art, reverse graffiti aims to create an image by cleaning grime off certain parts of grubby, urban walls. Power washers remove dirt built up from exhaust fumes and in doing so, provide the artist with the opportunity to create a beautiful image instead. It has been a controversial action and people have been arrested, which seems bizarre when they are actually cleaning.

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This method involves drawing an image that can only be viewed or understood by looking at it from a specific angle. This is not new, however, as Leonardo da Vinci created such images in the 15th century. These days the technique is seen in 3D images and even in street art. The modern genius in anamorphosis was the Swiss artist, Felice Varini.

Body Fluid Art

Not many people would be too keen to appreciate something drawn in bodily fluids! One controversial artist has created art using urine and animal blood to depict gory reflections of his experiences of World War II. Another infamous Brazilian artist will only create art made from his blood. Definitely not art for the squeamish!

Lipstick Art

Natalie Irish creates her portraits by smothering on lots of lippy and kissing the canvas. Her work is astoundingly good and obviously made with much love!

Bottle Cap Art

Such a simple everyday item is used to stunning effect by artist Mary Ellen Croteau. She takes thousands of bottle caps of all colours and sizes and makes beautiful images in an attempt to highlight the issue that many bottle caps are non-recyclable and a threat to the environment.


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Roger Walker

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