Tips To Get Clutter Under Control Once and For All

If you’re like most people, you own too much “stuff” and at some point, it’ll start to bog you down. Despite the best of intentions, people shrug it off until it’s too late. If you’ve got some extra time on your hands, make a deal with yourself to finally get the clutter under control. Here are four suggestions of where to start.

Dig Out the Garage

The garage scenario plays out like this: you start off storing equipment in the garage, followed by toys, boxes and furniture until finally, there’s no room for a car! If you’re disgusted with parking outside, it’s time to reclaim your garage. Empty the contents onto the driveway and decide what to toss, donate, sell or put a “free” sign on it and watch it disappear.

Tame Stray Jewelry

If you own an excess of jewelry and trinkets, it’s time to sift through it. Be brutally honest–do you really think you’ll fix all those broken pieces? When you’re left with the things you love, store them in jewelry tray inserts for drawers so you can see and easily find each item.

Venture Into the Basement

More times than not, basements are a wonderland of dusty, grimy relics and dead spiders. Break free from the heaps of junk you’ll never use. If there’s more garbage than you can handle, don’t walk away. It might be well worth it to rent a dumpster. You’ll end up with more room and a healthier, usable space.

Toss Those Old Clothes

Now’s a great time to go through your closets and decide what to keep and what must go. Spend an afternoon trying things on to see what still fits. If you don’t absolutely love it, then it’s time to donate.

Eliminate the Chaos

These last few months have been difficult for everyone. If you’re stuck at home, put that time to good use and eliminate the chaos ruining your living space. Your home will look great and you’ll feel a lot lighter.

About the author

Roger Walker

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