Into the Saddle – Things to Think About Before Buying a Horse

Are you considering getting a horse as a pet? Maybe you or your child have a keen interest in riding, or maybe this is something that you are just beginning to look into. If you love animals, you may be better off with bronze wildlife sculptures. Well before you do go ahead and get a horse, there are a few things to consider beforehand….

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Do you have a suitable place for your horse to live? Horses are large animals – they require exercise and a great deal of care. It is unfair to keep an animal cooped up in a place that is too small or not suitable for them. One of the most important requirements is space – the horse will need to have access to a field to exercise in on a daily basis, best if it is with other horses. They will also need somewhere to shelter from the weather – the heat of the sun or the cold wind, it is important that the horse has access to a good shelter.

The cost of owning a horse is a great deal more than buying it. You will need to think about daily requirements such as food and livery costs, as well as the cost of a veterinarian and a farrier. If you are going to be riding the horse, you will also need to buy other equipment that you need, such as saddles, stirrups and reins for example, as well as the correct attire for riding, like riding boots and hats. Research all of these things before you buy a horse, to make sure that you are able to look after the horse financially – remember that horses live into their 20s, you don’t just think about now!

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It is also important to remember that caring for a horse takes up a great amount of time. When you are looking into livery, think about the amount of time you will be able to devote to your horse and how much care that it takes.  As the horse gets older, it may develop health conditions that will require additional care, so think about this too. If you know any people that already own a horse chat to them – ask them how much time they put into caring for their horse and any other questions that you may have.



About the author

Roger Walker

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