We review as many as nine reasons why the world will never be the same after the current corona virus pandemic. These are the conclusions.
If the Internet was already changing the world, it must have been a pandemic that has definitely put us in front of the mirror, with our virtues and miseries. We are all jointly responsible for the image that mirror is projecting. The world will never be the same for the following reasons …
1. College and universities are not just a building
These days will be marked in the memory of the little ones. They are sponges that absorb everything: our fears, attitudes, solidarity and our ability to reinvent ourselves. For children in particular, everything should be positive, change is part of their learning process. Technology democratizes access to education, it is possible to continue training remotely and the university thus becomes a safe haven to return to at different stages of our lives, especially if there is a storm.
2. Social inequality
Having defeated the virus, this is the next enemy to fight. It is an enemy that has many faces. Not all children during confinement have had access to the Internet to continue their training. Not all adults are in the same situation. To the classic illiteracy, we must add the digital one, that in combination with the apathy they can get to radicalize the social inequality. The digital divide is also generational and affects our elders.
3. A more humane economy
Education, research and health will no longer be considered public expenditure, they are investment. The borders between public and private will blur, surviving those units capable of providing better service with fewer resources. The work will be more flexible, driven by technology. The geographical dispersion of the population will increase, along with the economies of proximity, to the detriment of economies of scale. The leisure sector will become the main engine of globalization, leaving industry and consumption behind without limit.
4. New global leadership
China has won the battle to the pandemic, the trade war and its new position in the world order with work and patience, along with a masterful control of technology and social networks. Many doubts and uncertainties remain, but in the end, democracies will prevail against authoritarianism, international solidarity against protectionism and all this change will probably be led by a whole world.
5. New consumption habits
Leisure thanks to technology will converge with health and nature. The race to low-cost has proven to be unsustainable. Smaller runs will be produced, but of higher quality and versatility. 3-D printing, open source and truly collaborative economies will lay new foundations for consumption where sharing will be more important than owning. Traditionally industrial sectors will have to adapt to new economic relations or they will disappear.
6. Real social networks
With confinement, social media has evolved with us. The relationship with our isolated relatives during these days has been paradoxically much closer. We have made video conferences with our elders. WhatsApp has mixed labor relations with personal ones, allowing to multiply productivity and access to information. The work of our public managers has never been monitored more and better, in real time. Political speeches have never been analyzed in more detail. We have never been so close to the truth, and at the same time at greater risk of falling into distractions.
7. Traffic jams are a big mistake
In the information society, economies of scale no longer make sense, everyone going to work at the same time, crowded in the subway and in perpetual traffic jams. The telecommuting will end by imposing on companies that, in turn, taking environmental awareness will increasingly marked. People living in rural areas are better handling confinement. Cities are a big trap in the face of global crises, and small self-managed conglomerates are a good solution. It has been necessary to stop to think, to enjoy.
8. Nature appreciates it
This is one of the most hopeful aspects of the COVID-19 crisis. Pollution in our cities has decreased and air quality is improving. The birds sing and the silence can be touched. It is in our hands to investigate how many people are dying of respiratory problems and measure what is the positive impact that this great stop is having for our planet. Will we be able to learn from all this?
9. A renewed attitude towards life
The Internet is making things happen faster, both for better and for worse. Opposite fear is optimism. We cannot stop thinking at any time, nor let ourselves be carried away by negativity. There is a great opportunity to transform the world into a better place, an opportunity that, if we do not take advantage of, the multinationals will undoubtedly take advantage of to do even more business at our expense, at the expense of the planet.
The growing signs of solidarity, putting the person at the center, especially those who need the most help and those who can help the most show the way. Stopping allows us to think in peace, our experience provides us with knowledge. We have to be strong when acting; there is no other possible attitude.
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