In our modern-day lives, the majority of us probably don’t give a second thought to outdoor survival skills – why would we? We are constantly with our mobile phones, able to summon help to anywhere that we are if we should need to. We expect services always to be available to ensure that we are never in a situation that means that we have to fight for our survival in the wilderness. But have we become too reliant on technology as a species? Would you know what to do if there were a disaster or if you were stuck out in the wilderness with no communication with anyone else? Here are a few things to remember that may one day save your life….
First aid skills are one of the most important things that you can have when it comes to surviving on your own. Whatever has happened that leaves you stranded, you, or a member of your group if you are with others, may well have suffered injuries. If you do not have any first aid skills, you should get yourself on a first aid course and learn them! Always keep a first aid kit in your car as well as in your home, so that if disaster strikes, you are prepared for it.
When you are stuck out of doors, you will need to build yourself a shelter if there is none available, this is a major priority, especially at night, as it will offer shelter from the weather and also any wild animals that may be on the prowl for their dinner (depending on where about you are stranded of course!) Fire is another important thing to have – learning to start your own fire is another important survival skill, as it will provide both heat and light a night. Having survival supplies that you know how to use such as Vanquest outdoor gear from, is another great idea to ensure that you are well prepared.
Water is essential to human life, and we can’t get by for very long without it (approximately 2 days). Finding a source of water is one of the first things that you will need to do, and you will need to make sure that it is clean. You can get water purification tablets, but there are many other ways to clean water that will make it safer for drinking – you may not have water purification tablets on you, but you will probably have clothes which can also become a handy water filter! When it comes to food, it is a good idea to learn what is and isn’t poisonous in the natural world – if you get it wrong you could be in for a nasty bout of sickness, or even death.