Yes, it seems a simple backpack, but it is also an incredible connected electric scooter

We must accept that sometimes suffer a ‘excess innovation”, providing additional objects that simply do not need it functions, however it is interesting to see what happens by the creative minds of the people, because in the end the best products market came as experiments.

Today we have a good example of this, as someone has happened to transform a backpack personal vehicle, but we also have added features to connect and control it using a smartphone, charging devices and even listen to music, go, a box technological tools focused on an innocent and practical backpack.

Image Source: Google Image

Movpak, electric vehicle and backpack

Although we have seen projects that seek to extend the functionality of a backpack, the reality is that they have not been well implemented, because we have an important capacity reduction, plus the weight increases, not to mention the increase in the price, but hey, this is a backpack which in theory would help to replace other products.

Movpak is according to its creators “first backpack with electric vehicle in the world”, which was launched two years ago as a Kickstarter campaign but failed to achieve its goal of $100000; Now after this failure returns with new features, better design, likewise under a crowdfunding campaign, but now in Indiegogo where the goal has been reduced to $50000.

Of course the most attractive part is that inside we found a skateboard equipped with two electric motors on the front wheels, which offer a speed of up to 32 km / h and a range of 16 kilometers per charge; this skateboard is integrated into the structure of the backpack, which allows storing inside without affecting the space we have to store things.

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But that’s not all; we also find microphone and speakers, Bluetooth connection to synchronize with your smartphone through an app, GPS location, and headlights for use at night, a USB port for charging devices, and a wireless charger Qi in one of the side compartments, all with a total empty weight of 7.7 kilograms.

Movpak price is $599 more scheduled for September 2016 delivery, but we must emphasize that we are facing a campaign of collective financing, so there is a risk that the project is not made and we lose our money. For more review like this visit

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Roger Walker

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