All about aquarium decoration

All those who enjoy having a home aquarium have started this beautiful hobby for different reasons: to get a nice living room decoration, have a new pet that is easy to maintain or wax to create a new ecosystem and ensure that alternative species coexist in harmony. The important thing for those who enjoy this hobby is the experience and improve every day, have healthy and full of life aquariums and in the end, those who venture into this fascinating world, end up having a precious ecosystem that will delight all world.

Aquarium Decoration
Image Source: Google Image

The best example of this philosophy of life is undoubtedly Takashi Amano, regarded worldwide with the best aquarium landscape. Takashi Amano was born in Niigata (Japan) in 1954. His work is considered living art aquarium and photographs are exhibited in prestigious galleries. He was the first to introduce concepts of Japanese Zen garden and the aquascaping.

The compositions are made by combinations of river rocks, wood and water plants underwater. Do not add any element that could not be found in nature. And not always believe in huge tanks, but 100 liter urns creates real wonderful landscapes.

If you have decided to try to set up a tank with live plants, you can follow the advice of his books gives Amano Nature Aquarium Word. All three are dedicated to landscaping freshwater plants and fish. The advice offered to create such a beautiful aquarium like yours are:

  • To create beautiful vegetation groups, it is best to plant odd way. So we create a harmonic motion, imbalance equal to that found in nature.
  • Fine leaved plants should go in the middle of the tank. The large leaves are better in the corners.
  • Although we tend to put the red in the center, it is best left to the side and avoid that the set looks dark.
  • Plants better in the dark side leaves, light colors are better in the center.
  • We should not forget to create light and dark to give a sense of depth and help the fish to choose their favorite spots areas.
  • Do not be afraid to use colored sand (always within the natural range). Mixing light and dark to create even more contrast. To cover the separation lines using rocks or logs. Also you can start using substrate enough to fill the entire base amounts. Remember that on the back is necessary to have steeper than the front, so you should accumulate at least 8 inches of substrate.

    Aquarium Decoration
    Image Source: Google Image
  • Use stones of different sizes and shapes, as in nature.
  • The edges of the rocks are rounded, with no sharp edges that can harm fish.
  • A good way to naturally is to hide the whole plant or part of the rocks and use them as a basis, rather than as decoration.
  • If you have a small tank designs with clear front, just sand, are a good alternative. It is best to start planting following a previously chosen design. Although there are those who advocate leaving the basket and sponges plants, do not do because you prevent proper operation. Do not forget to cut the longest roots before performing planted.
  • Use the fishing line or cotton to fix the moss on the rocks or logs. One trick to accomplish this task and care while plants use a heating cable is to be placed at the bottom to control the temperature of the roots.
  • Anubias (one of the most popular types of plants) tend to escape, use stones to keep the hidden roots and thus can move with the flow.
  • When planting, do so gradually in order of size: Small plants in the front and bottom and gradually increase the size of these as they move away to the bottom.
  • You should prune your plants until past 3 months from planting and when you have to wait to realize that plants from reaching the surface of the tank and cut to about half.
  • The rear lighting should be from the bottom up.
  • A set of branches covered in moss give a very nice effect easily to the aquarium.
Aquarium Decoration
Image Source: Google Image

By following these guidelines can so easily completely change your aquarium. Remember before you’ll need:

-> Add the gravel of about 2 or 3 mm following the inclination that we place with the substrate.

-> To avoid air pockets between the substrates can click the aquarium floor with a stick during the following week.

-> Place your CO2 system for further growth of your plants. If the aquarium is less than 200 liters you can add it by pill or liquid form.

About the author

Roger Walker

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