Why The Division is the new Destiny

‘Destiny’ seems the most overrated game of recent years, and I say knowingly. I bought it at launch, gave her cane to her story, either alone or in the company of colleagues, and also operate its PvP. He never seemed groundbreaking and I got tired very soon.

I was surprised to see how my colleagues on the other hand, were full of praise to the work of Bungie and even convinced me to return after a few months because it “had improved” but still still the same old story.

Where did I have noticed major changes are with the King of the Possessed, but this time I did not want to jump through hoops? When you like, perfect, of course. Everyone is free to spend the money on whatever you want, especially if amused. Because we all have our own opinion.

The Division
Image Source: Google Image

Which excite me again (we’ll see if I take the disappointment or not) before this approach shooter MMO spirit, is the ‘The Division’ Ubisoft Massive, which quite clearly aims to steal a little tart Giant ‘Destiny’. It succeeds remains to be seen…

At least it seems a good alternative if we will like that. Let’s see why.

What is the main objective of The Division

Besides survive the pandemic ravaging the city of New York, Ubisoft has emphasized that one of our main objectives will be to create the character as strong as possible. Thus we will have more ballots in the face of the most difficult missions. Do you sound of something that?

These missions, of course, have different degrees of difficulty can selected: we want more experience and better rewards? To make the most of the mission difficulty.

Weapons of varying degrees of rarity and level

More similarities with ‘Destiny’, like other shooters with RPG dyes as ‘Borderlands’, we have in these weapons with varying degrees of rarity. From which they are white and present fairly common weapon and inadvisable, to green (rare) or blue (rare), to the always desirable purple or orange, where the legendary.

‘The Division’ also offers a range for each weapon, so if we do not have enough level, cannot equip our character to reach that figure. And like the work of Bungie, we can improve these weapons with changes of all kinds that will provide greater stability, power or aim, among other parameters.

Oriented team play (and PvP) Shooter

MMO as it is, will be essential to be connected to ‘The Division’ to play, even going to do it alone and unaccompanied by anyone. The grace of this work of Ubisoft Massive is, in any case, create alliances and explore Manhattan with more people on missions in history.

Or opt for the PvP call Dark Zone, where are the best rewards. There go into no man’s land and where the dangers are much greater.

However, despite being a shooter with a system of progress for our character, it is noteworthy that not only will gain experience by killing enemies or on missions, but also through traders (buying and selling) and discovering places.

Another point in its favor is that there will be special equipment such as gas masks , which allow us access to areas under quarantine, so start cannot go anywhere, but will be an enabling progress to be left over from times and our level and equipment.

The base, a place to progress

Without being a focal point as was La Torre ‘Destiny’, the Base Operations will be where we will have a moment to breathe, to re-arrange our entire team and most importantly, manage that base to win advantages in different areas after completing their missions.

This settlement is in very bad shape when we come to it, but if timely rescued people get advantages in the commercial centers of health, safety and technology.

Fulfilling each of these types of missions we will be rewarded with “own money” that can spend only in the corresponding branch, being very important to pay attention as we provide special skills to our Agent, as the ability to heal itself or its Allies have more kits and so on.

What types of missions will be in The Division

Apart from these three types of missions that are linked to our base of operations and focus on rescuing targets for having their services and thrive in the work of survival with more guarantees, or the battles rid around PvP within Dark Zones, be certain skirmishes in the form of meetings and side quests.

Basically they consist of securing an area surrounded by hostile, entering a building and removing all undesirable maps, kill an important target or rescue a hostage or defend an area until we find more opposition. All these tasks will report us experience and rewards in the form of money and objects to our Agent.

When in doubt, nothing better than to sample its next beta, scheduled for January 28 on Xbox One, and a day later in PC and PS4. We will have until 31 to thoroughly pummeling.

About the author

Roger Walker

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