The Devil’s homage to Hearthstone is much more than it seems: King Cow has returned to play cards!

As discussed in Joystiq, Blizzard is celebrating the 20th anniversary of ‘Devil’ overhand with all kinds of events in their games, and ‘Hearthstone’ is no exception. The Californian Company has already warned find nothing less than the Tramp Dark, an old acquaintance of the series, in the bar fight mode and waiting to challenge us.

Now, if we can beat this character Sanctuary unblock a commemorative reverse inspired by the ‘Devil’ series. That is all? Well, there’s something else. But we warn you that a good hand will not be enough to get face the Cow King itself.

Let us start with the essential: to start our game against the Dark Wanderer (controlled by the AI) this will activate three random secrets and our main goal will become activate. For new within the universe ‘Hearthstone’ – basically interested in the saga of the sanctuary secrets are a series of letters of skill that are played face down and activated with the actions of the opponent.

To simplify things we offer you the 9 possible secrets that our opponent will use and, as you might expect, these cards are inspired by the Lore of ‘Diablo’. Of course, some of the conditions are not exactly simple.

For each Secret that we activate we will invoke one of these three cards on the side of the board of our enemy, the good news is that initially they do not have attack values, and in the case of the gold box we can even win a few playing coins. At this point our priority will be to destroy us with the loot.

Once we activated the three random secrets of the Dark Wanderer automatically activate a special letter, the ‘Portal enigmatic’ whose main effect will transform itself in the King Tramp Vaca. Now, the interesting thing is not here: this infernal bovine includes its own themed letters that will give some smile to the fans of Diablo.

As detail to emphasize, to transform the Dark Wanderer in the King Vaca it recover hit points, so we have a solid defense to react in time. The Cow King also includes the same Secrets and offers bonuses by activating them.

What looked like a rather simple homage has become an interesting experience: who would have thought that the legendary hidden level of ‘Devil’ cows would be adapted to Hearthstone? Unfortunately, this event will only be available for a limited time until next Monday, January 9.

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Roger Walker

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