Phoenix Wright returns to the Nintendo DS with a new adventure set in the exotic realm of Khura’in that will test his skills as a lawyer. In fact, in this new release, their biggest problem will be to adapt the judicial system, and there is that there are no lawyers: Everything is resolved by spiritualism!
And we go acclimated to the system of courts Khura’in, Capcom has made available to all users Family 3DS consoles a demo of the game to know the new context and mechanics ‘Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice’, and incidentally offers a lively eight – minute prologue.
This demo is only available in English, which presumably like ‘Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy’ and ‘Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies’ finally ‘Spirit of Justice’ debut on laptops in the language of Shakespeare.
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We solve that mystery and several more complex with the full version of ‘Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice’ cases, which will be available only in digital through the eShop, from September 8.
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