It is a fact: at Sony are preparing to launch the PS4 Neo, the rumored new iteration of the current PlayStation 4 will come with more power and support 4K (or rather, UHD) but, yes, not replace console current: both coexist.
The announcement has caused the logical reactions between the user community and analysts who wonder if this release makes sense and what are the arguments that Sony has been shuffled to make this important decision are. These are the ones we believe have influenced this ambitious project.
Many good reasons for a PS4 Neo
Andrew House, president of Sony, confirmed the intentions of his company in the Financial Times, and although there was virtually no details on its performance, yes indicating that will be aimed at users with 4K TVs.
Sony have not talked about dates and prices, and do not even talk about it at E3, something that seems to put that pitch even later in October that forward rumors a few weeks ago. There are many unknowns about this release, so why would he have happened to Sony bet on PS4 Neo?
1) More power for conventional games: Although the PS4 allows us to enjoy some games in 1080p at 60 frames per second, that option is not available in the catalog, which with more powerful hardware could be guaranteed. That does not mean that resolution and FPS rate is suitable for all kinds of games, but have no technical limitations is a plus for developers and users. Moreover, as recently pointed out , it is possible that the new console modes offer higher quality for the same games that existed until now (remasters on the horizon) and even quality UHD / 4K for some titles not as demanding on resources. What we do is not likely that all kinds of games can be played to 4K with a console that would be around 500 or $ 600 according to forecasts. Being even more expensive games ensure support around the future 4K catalog is virtually impossible.
2) More power to virtual reality: Although Sony have confirmed that both models will support PlayStation PS4 VR, it seems logical to think that better hardware will offer a higher quality experience. These titles are precisely those that will benefit most from the renewed hardware especially in terms of graphics power, and if Sony does not want to stand out from those experiences seems clear that this console will again offer more guarantees to enjoy also confirmed PlayStation VR.
3) The content 4KUHD power: We mentioned as Sony seem guide that console owners who want to enjoy TV 4K resolution that also in the console, but more video games -for the limitations of graphic actuates- believe that the bet will be by the content. Sony here may be considering a global strategy, as it is one of the major players in the segment of 4K televisions and also the momentum of the physical format for so -called Ultra HD Blu-ray discs, which Sony has already started production in 2013. The Japanese company and was spearheading the Blu-ray standard, and console quickly became a much more interesting to play these discs alternative to standalone players. With that PS4 Neo would return to try to boost the physical format, something they have not achieved nor they nor anyone – in the case of the PlayStation 4.
4) Contents 4K UHD via streaming, of course: To the defense of the physical format and its own business TVs and DVD UHD it also adds itself bet on content that Sony has been doing for years and also enable us to make the console to the issue UHD content via streaming was popularized thanks to the installed base of consoles PS4 Neo. Even without a 4K TV, it seems interesting to know that if we can have a “console futureproof”, that is, to ensure that if in a year or two (or three, or whatever) we ended up buying this TV 4K can squeeze the console her.
5) Backwards: This is crucial to keep current users in the lurch. Although Sony has not given details, what does that have made clear it is that both models coexist. We imagine that the games that appear after a certain time simply offer a visual way with good quality (PS4) and other visual mode with an “extreme” quality (PS4 Neo) which is basically what PC users Games have its scope in current video games: they can enjoy greater visual quality fluidly if they have the proper hardware, and that PS4 Neo should follow that line not to leave forgotten players in the current PS4. Some people criticize that decision: developers will have to pay attention to two models instead of one and may focus on the most attractive for benefits (the PS4 Neo), but if the Japanese company works out well this section the implementation of these modes “ends” in terms of visual quality should not be complex.
6) Put more distance with Nintendo and Microsoft: It is true that Sony is clearly ahead of its competitor’s consoles, but this release could put more land through sales. Sony would offer new options to users, who could bet on PS4 conventional or the most powerful model, and open the way towards that support 4K content and games for your competition at the moment is not so prepared. Without forgetting, of course, the experience of virtual reality that can also be a good disconsolate argument. Here could also take advantage of the new release to lower the price of the PS4 -hacienda more attractive without condemning the inventory- and maintain or increase the already high sales of the current model.
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7) New console, new design: The console output improved versions of previous generations allowed lower costs in production, polish some aspects of manufacture -refrigerant in the case of the Xbox 360, for example, and offer improvements in some connections – Xbox 360 Slim made simpler Kinect connection, for example. In the case of the PS4 does not seem likely to have savings in production due to the use of new components, but Sony could also be distinguished in this model with an equally differential design that appeals to the new , more demanding or ambitious public and also more willing to invest a greater amount of money on that console.
8) More exclusive titles: Games 4K support (whatever) and titles with support of virtual reality could also make Sony also broaden its catalog of exclusive games on its platform. Maybe those features will convince some developers it is more worthwhile to bet on a console that offers those options both now and in the future and not them “anchor” in specifications hardware with which it is difficult to offer ambitious visually titles or said field of virtual reality. There could also boast that exclusive catalog of PlayStation Network games 4K with a type message “Enjoy it even more in the PlayStaton Neo”.
9) Promotion and sales: Launch a new console has a huge economic cost, but the media impact is brutal. Sony could use this release to reinvigorate its already successful entertainment division, while offering potential “scrappage schemes” that would allow current users of the PS4 change their consoles for the new models. They might even take advantage of this launch to try to jump in the segment of eSports for now seem to have as main protagonists to PCs but with the renewed power could accommodate PlayStation consoles such as Neo.
As you can see, many good arguments Sony certainly could have used to make the decision. We do not know how many of them will have successful, but we can see it in a few months when the console finally goes on sale. Meanwhile, only one catch: the announcement of Sony will make more than one think whether to buy the PS4 in the coming months, which could affect those who had garnered good sales so far in this division.