In 2015, nearly 6% of average household spending went to buy clothes and footwear
Reusing clothes, exchange clothes, go for basic, make lists … Notes tips to save time and have style dress without suffering the pocket.
Make lists and budgets
Well for purchase in physical stores or online, it is important to establish what we really need are clothes and make a list in order of priority. It is also very useful to set a maximum spending budget not to exceed the limit on our purchases and avoid cravings.
Wearing clothes from other seasons
Renewing the closet does not mean getting rid of all the clothes and buy new clothes every time you change the season. Clearly, go to the last is a cost but there are many items that are still being fashionable, so garments can be combined with other years recently acquired.
Basic and classic style
Clothes “wardrobe” never gets old. Jeans, basic pants, shirts, and polos are always a trend. Thus, a saving formula is to bet on these clothes because we can use them at any time.
Clothing exchange
Clothes “wardrobe” never gets old. Jeans, basic pants, shirts, and polos are always a trend. Thus, a saving formula is to bet on these clothes because we can use them at any time.
Rent on special occasion clothes
When dressing for a special occasion that demands tag, a low-cost option is to rent linen. An alternative that not only prevents a large outlay but also allows to spend less on clothes that may not return to use.
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Investing in second-hand clothes
Increasingly consumers are taking greater awareness of spending and opt for alternatives such as buying second hand.
The rule of 48 hours
Before buying a new garment is recommended to meditate for 48 hours to assess whether it is really necessary and worth investing money in it.
Wait rebates
That which is not necessary to purchase immediately expect the sales season, when prices are reduced by up to 70%.