Welcome to the world of axe throwing, where the thrill of landing a bullseye is just the tip of the iceberg. Beyond the adrenaline rush and camaraderie lies a surprising array of health benefits that make this ancient practice a...
Category - Games
From hiking, camping, and kayaking to skiing, mountain biking, and rock climbing, there is no shortage of outdoor activities to choose from. For many people, spending time in nature is a way to recharge, relax, and escape from...
Are you fed up with TV series and movies? Then jump into the action with a nice video game! In this article we offer 15 of them, all very different but with one thing in common: they are free games! You can download them –...
Some time ago, it seemed unthinkable that Sony would lose its exclusive games, but we have already seen that this trend began to break with Quantic Dream, David Cage’s studio, in March 2019 and with sights on the Epic Games...
January 2013. It was still two years before CD Projekt RED conquered the genre of RPGs with The Witcher III. Geralt de Rivia had not been crowned as one of the maximum references in a matter of fantasy and swords and the study...
How many RPGs did you start being chosen? The descendant of a powerful lineage of heroes, one who is called to reduce the forces of evil or that exiled prince who is exposed to all kinds of adventures. In OutWard we must make use...
Touch to close the circle of releases with Xbox One after reviewing the games that will be released on PS4, Nintendo consoles and PC this January. The list hardly differs from that of PS4, except for the absence of Vane...
‘Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’ is going to be the last annual ‘Assassin’s Creed’. Since 2007, Ubisoft has not stopped with this saga, at the rate of delivery per year (in some, even with two or...
In just a month and a half, the 2018 World Cup of Russia will begin, one of the most anticipated sporting events of the year for all football lovers. All teams are already preparing for this event and Electronic Arts did not...
We may be late for news of the more than promising ‘Deep Down’ that Capcom showed in early 2013, but the Blue Bomber company has not forgotten those looking for epic fantasy fights in desserts: of last...