Essential Babyproofing Products That You Need for Your Home

It’s never too early to start taking precautions to make your home completely safe for your new bundle of joy. There are plenty of hazards in just about every room of the house that can pose a threat of injury or worse to your baby and even though your little one won’t be mobile for at least the first four to six months, it’s never too early to review the basics of babyproofing so you can start loading up on the products necessary for keeping your little one safe. Even a cursory search for baby-proofing online will overwhelm you with everything from the best baby gates for extra wide spaces to pinch guards for keeping tiny fingers from getting damaged. But we’re going to break it down to the ultimate essential products you can’t do without once you bring your baby home.

Faucet Cover

When you’re washing your infant in the bathtub it can be very easy for him or her to hit their head on the faucet. Even a blunt end on a tub faucet can cause a laceration so you should track down one of the many different faucet covers that are available. They come in fun shapes and are manufactured out of soft rubber to safeguard your baby during bath time. When you do your comparison shopping, be sure you find one with rubber that is BPA Free, phthalate free and PVC free.

Toilet Safety

Toddlers are inquisitive creatures who love nothing more than exploring places and things they really shouldn’t be. The toilet poses some of the most urgent dangers to your baby’s well-being for the obvious reason that it’s a bowl filled with water that the child can fall into and drown. There are other risks including the possibility of the lid falling shut on to your baby’s head or hands causing injury. That’s why new parents must absolutely get a toilet lid lock mechanism which is designed to keep the toilet lid shut tight and prevent your baby from lifting it up. You can find a good one for less than $10 and you don’t need to tools to install it to your toilet.

Corner Guards

Take a look around the house. You might not realize how many sharp corners exist at a height low enough to cause your baby injury. But coffee tables, entertainment centers, nightstands, end tables, and more typically have sharp points that can hurt your child if he or she were to fall over and hit their head or brush up against a corner on your furniture. That’s why corner guards another essential baby-proofing product you must have in your home. These guards are designed to be placed over any sharp corners and are made from impact absorbing foam to minimize the potential for injury. You’ll want to find corner guards that are non-toxic, free of latex, and fire retardant. Most of them are attached with simple double stick tape to keep them in place and when your child is old enough where corner guards are no longer necessary, simply remove them and discard or hold onto them for the next baby.

Outlet Protection

Electrical outlets pose a tremendous safety hazard to babies and toddlers who are all too curious about sticking fingers and foreign objects into them. This could result in electrocution of your child. Outlets are among the top priorities when it comes to baby-proofing your home and there are various electrical outlet covers that are available from retailers. The covers look like the existing plates on your outlets and they are meant to be applied over the outlet, equipped with sliding panels that cover the openings where your plugs are inserted. When you want to plug something into the outlet, just slide the panel aside and insert the plug. After you’re done, remove the plug from the outlet and the panel will automatically slide back into position covering the outlet. This is a crucial product for any home with a baby that is affordable for any budget.

Cabinet Locks

These are a necessary deterrent in kitchens and bathrooms in particular to keep the baby from reaching harmful chemicals and cleaning agents that are often stored underneath sinks and prevent from doors closing in on the child’s hand or head. But they can be helpful for protecting the child and your belongings in any room of the house. The locks are affixed to the doors of your cabinets, and prevents them from being pulled open by little hands. You can find all different types, from magnetic locks to sliding locks to spring release locks. The one you choose may be dependent upon how clever your baby is about getting around these deterrents.


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Roger Walker

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