For some children, school holidays not only represent a break from work and fixed schedules but also a way of violence that often goes unnoticed. Bullying is violence and cannot allow this motto and Save the Children has been a campaign.
Parents and teachers must be aware that bullying is not child’s play and can cause unhappiness small, making a dent in the course of their daily life in various fields.
“Bullying” is a form of violence in many derived there from violent behavior in many children and young people live and the conditions of their environment inequality occasions. And it is that violence leads to violence.
And although they are often somewhat older children who suffer this situation, we must never allow it and always be alert for our son, smaller or larger, he was suffering.
Parents and teachers should be alert to discover this problem and act if necessary. These are the recommendations of Save the Children to get stop bullying, to address the problem and protect the most vulnerable children:
- Observe the child or the child. Be alert to changes in mood and behavior, motivation to study, frequent minor illnesses such as headaches or stomach pain.
- Listening and dialogue. The children rarely lie on these issues. It is important to hear what you have experienced and how you feel, without judgment.
- Keep calm. It is important to be calm and adopt an attitude of understanding and attention, transmitting security and tranquility.
- Tell him not guilty. All people have a right to be protected against any form of violence and to be treated with respect.
- Build self-esteem; recognize their abilities, skills and effort have asked for help.
- Communicate the situation to the school. It is important that the school knows the situation and maintain continuous cooperation and communication with them.
- Give you the opportunity to expand the group of friends. Activities outside of school allow that relates to boys and girls her age.
- Maintain good communication based on trust provide that come to us if you receive any content or invitation that cause distress or discomfort.
- Recommends that you do not respond to the aggressions son. In case of cyber bullying, save messages as evidence (does not have to open them), block the sender or denounce through the website or social network that is harassed.
- In serious situations of school harassment or cyber bullying you can be notified in Prosecution, Police, Civil Guard or Health Services.
Combating bullying is everyone. We must also educate our children in the rejection of all forms of violence, physical or verbal. In short, bullying is violence: do not allow it and is attentive to their signals.